
Australia Awards Cambodia Executive Skills for Inclusive Development

Square Circle delivered the Digital Regional Delivery of the Short-Term Award in Executive Skills for Inclusive Development for executive and senior leaders from Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar. Delivered for Australia Awards Cambodia, the program drew on a range of digital modalities and learning platforms to support Australian Alumni to advance ...

The Science and Practice of Sustainable Development MOOC

The Science and Practice of Sustainable Development is part of the Leadership in Global Development MicroMasters® Program offered by The University of Queensland (UQ). The course is oriented towards professionals and leaders in development practice, offering an introduction to key concepts underpinning sustainability, and its application in practice. Square Circle in ...

Subnational Governance, Transparency and Reporting in the Mining Sector

As Papua New Guinea (PNG) struggles to transition its natural resources into inclusive and sustainable forms of development, the taxes, fees and levies collected from extractive projects provide much needed revenue to the national government. These ‘resource rents’ help the national government to fund basic services to its citizens—many of ...

Short Courses in Leadership, Governance and Development

Square Circle’s Dr Michael Spann, Dr Kamil Shah, Dr Tim Grice and Dr Joseph Hongoh have been contracted by the University of Queensland (previously as individuals and subsequently as Square Circle) to teach into a range of professional short course programs run through The University of Queensland’s Institute of Continuing ...

Australia Awards Africa: Stay Connected and Reintegration Workshops

Square Circle expanded its involvement with the prestigious Australia Awards program when it was subcontracted by The University of Queensland to design and lead the ‘Stay Connected’ and ‘Reintegration’ workshops for approximately 300 leading African scholars studying in Australian universities in 2019, 2020 and 2021. The Stay Connected workshops focused on ...

Market Scan for Australian Extractives Development Assistance

For developing countries rich with mineral resources, the extractives sector has the potential to boost government revenues while creating positive local impacts. Yet without an effective, transparent and well-resourced policy and regulatory regime, the potential benefits of extraction can be eroded or lost to corruption, social conflict, ecological degradation and ...

Policy Analysis for PNG’s Global Climate Fund Readiness Project

Papua New Guinea (PNG) has been classified as the 10th most likely country to be affected by climate change. With its substantial rainforest and biodiversity assets, and its status as the largest Pacific island nation, PNG has committed to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, ...

Roadmap for the Executive Development Program: Stretem Rod Blong Jastis Mo Sefti

Vanuatu’s Ministry of Justice and Community Services (MJCS) has identified the need to support the development of leaders across the thirteen agencies in the justice and community services sector. Through the Sector Leadership Group (SLG), and with support from the Australian-funded Stretem Rod Blong Jastis mo Sefti program (SRBJS), Square ...

Supporting Adaptive and Inclusive Leaders in Vanuatu’s Justice, Policing and Community Services Sector

The executive leadership retreat for the Justice and Community Service sector is the flagship leadership and team development activity under the Executive Development Program for leaders in Vanuatu’s Justice and Community Services sector. Designed and facilitated by Square Circle, the two-day leadership retreat provided a foundational leadership and team development learning ...

The Pacific Fisheries Leadership Program

The Pacific Leadership Fisheries Program is a customized program for current and emerging leaders from the fisheries sector in Pacific Islands countries. This significant initiative, in support of the Pacific’s most prominent industry, aims to improve the quality and diversity of leadership, management and cooperation across Pacific fisheries and support ...