
Migration and Conflict in Solomon Islands

Like other Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Solomon Islands has been identified as being particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and the increasing frequency of extreme weather events. Climate related challenges in Solomon Islands include sea level rises, salt intrusion, costal erosion, flash floods, landslides, cyclones and storm ...

The Science and Practice of Sustainable Development MOOC

The Science and Practice of Sustainable Development is part of the Leadership in Global Development MicroMasters® Program offered by The University of Queensland (UQ). The course is oriented towards professionals and leaders in development practice, offering an introduction to key concepts underpinning sustainability, and its application in practice. Square Circle in ...

Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism in Africa: The Role of the Mining Sector

The majority of counter terrorism efforts have been security and intelligence led, with an emphasis on military and kinetic strategies to ‘defeat’ terrorism. Over the past decade in particular, global efforts have also focused on strategies for preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE), particularly on the role of international institutions, ...