Short Courses in Leadership, Governance and Development

Square Circle’s Dr Michael Spann, Dr Kamil Shah, Dr Tim Grice and Dr Joseph Hongoh have been contracted by the University of Queensland (previously as individuals and subsequently as Square Circle) to teach into a range of professional short course programs run through The University of Queensland’s Institute of Continuing and TESOL Education (ICTE). Square Circle draws on our expertise in Leadership and Policy, Institutional Strengthening, Indo-Pacific Security, Research, Cross cultural learning, Australian foreign policy and regional economic connectivity and development to enhance ICTE’s programs for overseas universities and government agencies. A key part of our pedagogical approach is to exchange skills, approaches and knowledge that can be put into practice and help facilitate sustainable and equitable development.
Square Circle has designed and taught into programs for The Department of Home Affairs (Australia); Chonbuk National University (Korea); the Commission for External Relations of the Communist Party of Vietnam; Chengdu Municipal Government Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office (China); Ethnic Minority Leaders (Vietnam); the Office of the Civil Service Commission Leadership and Strategist Program for Talented Civil Servants (Thailand); Leadership and Management Skills for Local Authorities (Vietnam). Our sessions are received enthusiastically and we look forward to continuing to build our engagement with officials, institutions, and departments, especially in the Indo Pacific region.