
Australia Awards Papua New Guinea Reintegration Workshops

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) sponsored Australia Awards are prestigious, merit-based scholarships and fellowships offering emerging global leaders an opportunity to study, research and undertake professional development in Australia. These opportunities help Awardees promote prosperity, reduce poverty, enhance political stability and impact positive social change upon ...

Australia Awards Papua New Guinea Pre-departure Training

Australia Awards PNG (AAPNG) offers approximately 90 merit-based scholarships for primarily Masters level study in Australia each year. Recognising that awardees hail from a variety of backgrounds and professional experiences, AAPNG provides ‘Predeparture Training’ to support awardees in their preparation for living and studying in Australia. In 2019, Square Circle was ...

Independent Review of Ghana’s National Informal Mining Strategy

This independent review of the Multilateral Mining Integrated Project (MMIP) for the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources centred on the challenges and opportunities presented by artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in Ghana. Ghana’s ASM sector provides direct employment for approximately 1 million people, supporting approximately 4.5 million more in ...

Corruption Risks in Mining Approvals: Australian Snapshot from the Mining for Sustainable Development Programme

Corruption in the mining approvals process can result in poor decisions about the environmental, social and environmental impacts of a project. State revenues can be captured, and local benefits can be constrained. To help prevent corruption from occurring, corruption risks must be understood. Transparency International’s Mining for Sustainable Development Program ...

Local Content Policies in the Mining Sector: Stimulating Direct Local Employment

The Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) is a voluntary initiative supporting over 70 nations committed to leveraging mining for sustainable development to ensure negative impacts are limited and financial benefits are shared. One of IGF’s priorities is to help member states as they seek to maximize ...

Local-Level Community Engagement in Solomon Islands’ Minerals Sector

For Solomon Islands, transitioning mineral wealth into broad-based, sustainable forms of development presents as both an opportunity and a challenge. In 2017, the Ministry of Mines, Minerals, Energy and Rural Electrification (MMERE) launched the National Minerals Policy (NMP). Positioning mining as unsustainable by its very nature, the NMP envisions that ...

Institutional Design for Solomon Islands’ MMERE

The Government of Solomon Islands is introducing a series of legislative and institutional reforms to implement the National Minerals Policy (NMP). One key initiative is an institutional support program for the Ministry of Mines, Minerals, Energy and Rural Electrification (MMERE), including strengthening the organisational structure and staff development program so ...

Design of the Solomon Islands Minerals Advisory Centre

The mining sector in Solomon Islands has the potential to contribute much needed fiscal revenue to the state, while creating employment and livelihood opportunities for local communities. However, recent experiences of mining in the archipelago nation have been characterized by environmental degradation and a range of both positive and negative ...

Digital Storytelling for PNG’s GESI Policy and Leadership Capability Framework

The Government of Papua New Guinea has introduced two foundational policies for the public sector: the Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) Policy and the Ethics and Values-Based Leadership and Management Capabilities Framework (LCF). Together, both policies embody the PNG Government’s efforts to create a more inclusive and ethical workforce. ...

Inclusive Strategic Leadership Workshops for PNG’s Public Sector

The primary goal of the Precinct Leadership Program was to contribute to the development of a cadre of ethical and capable leaders that will act in the public interest to better ensure effective and accountable service delivery for Papua New Guinea (PNG). Delivered in Port Moresby and Goroka in 2017, ...