

Papua New Guinea

Established in 1994, Tanorama has provided advisory, capacity development, research and management services with a focus on the sustainable development of Papua New Guinea (PNG). The firm is best known for its work in stakeholder engagement and partnership brokering where it has successfully negotiated multi-stakeholders agreements for landowners, government and the private sector in some of PNG’s largest private sector projects. In the community development space in Papua New Guinea: Tanorama has worked in all provinces of the country; has been actively engaged with small community associations, women and youth groups and service delivery partners; provided advisory inputs to develop some of PNG most significant community focused policies; designed a range of impact programs for GoPNG and its Development Partners; designed and delivered health, education, livelihoods and law and justice sector initiatives, and; undertaken in depth socio-economic studies and other research to inform policy and practice.

Tanorama’s success in PNG has led to firm winning work across the Pacific, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa. Tanorama has exported over K70 million worth of services to international clients, including private sector organisations and fortune 500 companies, international governments, Major CSOs, multi-lateral banks and philanthropic organisations.